Mark Zuckerberg's Steps To Success

Mark Zuckerberg’s Steps To Success


And the world’s going to know your name because you burn in the brightest lane. Hi, Jenny here again with a brand new motivation for you. Today we’re going to be talking about Max Wood, the creation of Facebook and Instagram.

And now they are not a fun app. He’s looking only for his creation of Facebook, which is brought him in. I mean, everyone knows who Max Duchess is to make you hear his name. It’s the creator of the founder of Facebook.

What made him stand out the most is that he is the youngest in Southgate Polonia. Not Polonia. This man became at a young age and not any kind of but a self-made one. He started Facebook and his first billion.

He was trying to fur when he made his first billion in his college dorm room. Where he and his college buddies got this idea. But he’s the one behind everything. Behind everything.

So yeah, he created Facebook, and during his studies, well; he created it during his studies in the uni. He got several investments and partnership offers from different big companies like Microsoft. But he rejected them.

He rejected them all. He rejected them all. And it was because he wanted to stand on his own. He wanted to be more, to be greater, to be an entrepreneur. His owner is someone’s partner or owns a business.

Well, somebody else has more shares than you. But yeah, he did it. You know what? Yeah, he did it. He became an entrepreneur for himself. So he had a specific vision in mind. He built a strong team that led him to create one of the most popular social networks in the entire world. But how did he do this? How did he do it? How? It sounds like it’s so impossible.

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Yes, he could do all this at such a young age. First, he had a clever goal in mind. He knew what he wanted and believed in what he wanted. He believed in what he wanted to achieve. And second, he was persistent. He was persistent. He never gave up. He never ever gave up, no matter how hard it got. And he never let criticism of him, any hater there, all those haters he never let come to him.

He never listens to all that. He does what he does first. He believes in what he does and he doesn’t let anyone touch him. He builds a loyal and passionate team. Right? He built a loyal and passionate team. And together they drew each other to succeed.

They became more than anyone imagined. First is learning from the mistakes of your competitors. So he learned from the mistakes of his competitors. Yeah, he did that. And he avoided making the same mistake and getting into some trouble that they did while running their own company.

And that helped him lead a smoother role in success. And that will help us out if we also apply it to our own life. One he has always had goodbye was to believe in himself. Believe in himself.

He said that believing in himself was the key to success. It was the key to success. And every chin will start falling right into place for a minute.

If you leave yourself, everything will start falling into place. So you know when you have self in your mind? When you don’t have high self-esteem.

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When you have such low self-esteem, you don’t believe in yourself. You have no self-motivation. You don’t even have any confidence in what you’re doing or what you want. You don’t even know wherever you what you want to do, how you’re going to do it.

You have no benefit. Then you cannot do that. You cannot achieve your goal unless you lift yourself up. You believe in yourself. You believe in your confidence. You lift your self-confidence, and your self-esteem, you become more. And that’s when you’re going to get into play.

That’s all for today and not the food bag. If you like this video, please comment below with your thoughts. If you like it, please like and subscribe to get more.

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