Book Excerpt: Solopreneur Profit Machines: Welcome To The Era Of 1 Man Businesses That Make Millions Of Dollars

This is an excerpt from my growth marketing book, “Solopreneur Profit Machines.”

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On to the book…


For Pia and her husband Steve, the greatest brand experts and business coaches in the world; who inspired me greatly with their content, and who show that 1-2 Person Brands are the new big thing!! Hopefully this book helps shed the light on why this incredible phenomenon is accelerating, thanks to the cool stuff now happening on the internet!

Follow Steve and Pia at:

CHAPTER 1: The Biggest Marketing Opportunity In History

There’s been a big shift in the world of business over the last 30 years. This shift coincides roughly with the appearance of the internet age.

Back in the Dot Com bubble of the late 90s, the gurus shouted that “ecommerce” and the “interweb” and “information highway” would change commerce forever.

For a while, in the Dot Com crash and then the recession of 2008, and more recessions to come, they seemed entirely wrong and off the mark.

But as more and more internet millionaires and even billionaires continue to be minted, in the most unlikely of places and doing the most unlikely of businesses, the steady persistence of the internet as a business medium and its remarkable success has become altogether too real to write off.

Chances are, you personally know someone who has become a millionaire leveraging the internet in their business, or very soon will.

The new businesses that are making it big on the internet are a far cry from the 50-man startups of the DotCom boom-bust that required $50 million in venture funding just to get a product in the hands of users.

The new businesses that are proving the thesis of the internet as a world changing business medium are little Solopreneur Profit Machines started by scrappy men and women in their homes and living rooms, on weekends, after work, and on their summer vacations.

Often, they can get started on little to no budget, and cashflow feeds the growth of the business from its early beginnings.

Many of the successful entrepreneurs are completely new to the business world, and are as surprised at the phenomenon of small solopreneur businesses as those on the outside, while some have retired or dropped out of the corporate world to do something cool on the internet, while many others fit no easy category other than wanting to be their own bosses.

Some fall into this rabbit hole after posting some articles on social media sites like Medium and LinkedIn and finding an interested community there. Still others become overnight sensations after posting some funny TikTok videos. And still others get there by going on podcasts and ranting about their passions, and waking up to find the internet listening in rapt attention and awe.

In earlier stages of this new phenomenon, strategies like SEO and blogging were big, requiring months if not years of trying to rank in search engines, but now, serendipitous platforms like TikTok and SnapChat can create viral sensations overnight.

The times have changed and platforms and tactics will come and go with the times, but the phenomenon of solopreneur brands being able to create world scale impact has now accelerated, and this is a trend that’s greater now than ever before.

If you have a voice or a viewpoint, or at least care passionately about some topic or group of people, there’s a very good chance that you too can one day make your living not in the traditional world of big corporations and their ways, but charting your own path as a Solopreneur Profit Machine bidnessman.

Had it not been for the internet, this revolution we’re speaking of would probably not have happened and this whole exercise could be written off safely as pure and sheer fantasy.

But oh boy, the old enthusiasts and hobbyists of the Dot Com bubble who spoke so eloquently of a brighter future for the ordinary man thanks to the internet, and many of whom lost their savings in the crash that followed, have proven more right in the end than wrong, and, as far as debate goes, are having the last laugh.

Revolutionary technologies do not yield their fruit overnight. Rather, their results can take entire generations to be fully understood and play out.

As far as the internet is concerned, we’ve just made it out of the first two innings (Boom and Crash) and have just really begun the third innings, with a lot more chapters in the story of the internet yet to be written. The third inning is awakening us to the fantastic long term opportunities that await for the brave Solopreneurs who stake their lot on the interwebs and go out there to make a name for themselves and build the business of their dreams leveraging this new medium.

Do I Need To Be An “Internet Business?”

A word of caution before we proceed.

The whole idea of being an “internet business” may be uncomfortable to some. Say, you run a carpet cleaning company or a dog walking business in your local area. You might not consider yourself any kind of “internet company” at all. And that’s all well and fine.

I started out very much as a service business too, and that’s what a lot of Solopreneur Profit Machines are.

But the time of being an entirely offline service business has come and gone. You can make it work, but if you’re not on the internet in the next 25 years, your competitors who are will likely grow by orders of magnitudes faster and bigger than your own business ever will.

Look at the story of Uber and the taxi industry globally. Uber became a much larger company though it did not own any taxis precisely because it went in big into the internet whilst its competitors confined themselves to being offline “local” businesses. Many of those taxi companies and operators will likely not survive in the same format as pre-Uber. By leveraging the internet, Uber has become a “disruptor,” reaching farther and wider and gaining marketshare in ways that a purely offline business never could.

This is why you need to get in on the internet game and build your own Solopreneur Profit Machine. Indeed, my definition of a Solopreneur Profit Machine requires you to use the internet if you want all the advantages and growth opportunities that come with being a Solopreneur Profit Machine.

Solopreneur Profit Machine – a business comprised of one key individual who leverages the internet and internet marketing best practices to build audiences, sell products/services, and scale to the moon in ways that could only be done by very large well funded corporations in the past.

The internet is our secret weapon as Solopreneur Profit Machines. It’s a powerful tool. Its ROI has been in the 6 figures for some solopreneurs, in the 7 figures for yet some others, and all the way to some 9 figures or billions for some really stunning Solopreneur Profit Machines. The difference is the way you use and leverage the internet, and your skills at applying the different techniques and tactics available to us.

In a follow up book, I will try to show how a local traditional brick and mortar small business can adopt some of the systems I lay out here for online business growth.

The Solopreneur Profit Machine Formula

This is a short book. It’s meant to be used more as a playbook and operating system that any solopreneur can use to go from a standing start, absolute zero, and build up a super profitable business in the shortest time possible, with:

  • no outside investment,
  • no “business plans”
  • no OPM (other people’s money)
  • no “connections”
  • no “affiliates”
  • no “social media following”
  • no “marketing budget”
  • nothing special, really, except a can do attitude and the willingness to take a radically different road to building a business than what your own false instincts and the traditional business press tells you you need to do in order to succeed at business.

The reality is, most of us, myself included, follow practices that DO NOT WORK when we first go into business and try to grow a business and scale it into a sizable enterprise.

This short book won’t beat around the bush and will not present you the traditional equations nor amaze you with amazing business and social media philosophies, popular in content, but short on results for you when you’ve actually tried to do it. All that stuff can work, especially if you’re a genius. But, I don’t consider myself very sharp, especially where business is concerned. In fact, I’ve always been a downright simple buffoon when it comes to the way I think about business. Anything complex will likely fail me. Trust me, I’ve probably tried it and been burned by it before. I realized, in my own little painful world where I was broke and sick, unable to pay the bills or even buy proper food, if I was to succeed at all, I’d need to find my own system that was DOABLE for a SIMPLE BUFFOON like me.

Thus, if I had to really honestly retitle this book in line with my own experience and how I discovered this formula, it’d have to be something like “THE BUFFOON’S FORMULA TO A SUCCESSFUL SOLOPRENEUR BUSINESS.” This is more or less what you will get in the following pages.

In this book, you will learn my own formula for building and scaling any Solopreneur Profit Machine in any industry, regardless of your background, skills, funding, or lack thereof.

I’ve boiled down the formula from my experiences as a solopreneur and marketing expert, but above all, from my vantage point as a continuing student of the game. It’s taken me years to get to this point, and that’s because there’s a lot to learn on the internet as far as the game of marketing goes.

When you see a hugely successful brand like MrBeast, Grant Cardone or Kylie Jenner, realize you’re looking at a lifetime of work and effort. The best approach to levelling up, is to always be a student at heart, and always seek to learn from those around you who have figured out how to make the internet make their dreams come true. You too will learn the skills and you will be amazed at all the things you’ll be able to do.

CHAPTER 2: My Journey As A Newbie Marketer

I never thought I’d be a marketer one day. It just wasn’t on my radar.

Like every technology-minded kid of my background, what I really wanted to do back in elementary school was to become a cool inventor like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers and other cool cats like that.

Growing up in a small town in Zimbabwe, I heard about the same time about a great flood called a “cyclone” that was coming in. First time I’d heard of this menace. Like any good inventor worth his salt, I didn’t say much, but I had my plan already for my makeshift floatable, made from an oil barrel, that was gonna save the day for myself and my pals from class. The only dilemma, which I never figured out, was how to fit all my friends into such a tiny thing. Good thing the cyclone died out without creating another complete Noah’s flood, else my wanting inventing skills would have been called out.

That didn’t stop me. My other notable idea was to turn a small clothes cabinet into a little automobile, running on steam. That idea probably matured a bit better until it too was abandoned at about the last moment before I’d have got into serious trouble with my mother for hacking at the house furniture.

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So I really wasn’t into marketing at all, nor anything business-y. Until I took an accounting class. My accounting teacher just happened to be one of the best teachers I’ve ever met, and just like with her, I’ve been lucky to have really great teachers throughout my schooling. This wise and visionary teacher exemplified that kind of outstanding teacher. I think it was probably her being so passionate about her subject, but also accounting itself just made plain sense to me because it was systematic, neat, and orderly. Everything had to be exactly balanced. No arbitrary stuff, no unknown quantities from nowhere, that kind of neatness.

But still, it really wasn’t more than a hobby to me, my favorite hobby, sure, but my calling was an inventor. That, I’d die for!

Then some experiences happened to me after high school where I spent a good deal of time with my brother in law and my older sister helping them in their small business trading foodstuffs and clothes in the local area. In Zimbabwe at the time, food just happened to be very scarce and in high demand. Being able to find a supply and meet demand just seemed like such a neat and fulfilling trick as I witnessed it, because the utility to the people was just so clear. I got hooked on business as a result.

Notwithstanding, I’d dabble with software development, music, and other interests, including languages, because I’m just such a polymath.

However, one day, I got an abrupt call from my higher ups in a software development contract job I was doing at the time. It seemed my services were no longer needed and I was out on my own.

Having decided that if I wasn’t needed any more I finally had the chance to go do my own thing, I went out and very soon formed my own first startup, HackishWord. It was an internet site somewhat modelled on Craigslist and YCombinator’s Hacker News, but it never went anywhere. I was a half decent technologist, but I was a lousy marketer.

By the time I moved to Ghana in 2014/2015, my deficiencies at the game of marketing had become clear to me. I advised startup founders on building tech, and got to meet some really smart marketing and sales pros that advised those same startup founders on the business aspects of running their startups. I was fascinated by what these experts knew, and we had some really great conversations and debates, mostly conversations because I accepted just about anything they had to say as the right thing, some that dragged on for hours.

What I came away with was that the world of marketing was very fascinating, but oh so complex. But my fascination, which went back to the days of bartering clothes and foodstuffs in an inflation-hit Zimbabwe under strongman Mugabe, acted again as a true North, and I knew I had to find my way somehow into this great marketing world.

And so, over the course of time, and after many a reversal, I was a committed student of marketing, and eventually got to work helping online businesses and solopreneurs market and grow their businesses.

I’ve studied courses by some of the best marketers, and sat in on calls and webinars, read books and attended meetings and advised and implemented and, yes, even invented my own methods.

So, I guess you could say I got my wish at long last of inventing. Only, instead of inventing in the physical world, the marketing passion that hijacked my life and took over my interests very completely, allowed me to invent in the ideas and thoughts and emotions world of marketing, which is a rarefied field indeed.

But enough of my own journey. How do we take all this experience from one small town Zimbabwean lad and turn it into real profits and growth for your own business, using the internet?

Enter my coolest invention yet: the Solopreneur Profit Machine Formula.

CHAPTER 3: Discover The Solopreneur Profit Machine Formula

Thanks to the change in communications technology, commerce is now more distributed and dispersed than ever before in history.

In the past, when advertising and demand generation occurred primarily through very expensive TV advertising and radio, the little guy was squeezed out. Small businesses and individual solopreneurs could not compete.

With the rise of MySpace and other early social networks, that all changed. The internet offered an avenue where the little guy could get attention on their business and products, and make sales. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other new media accelerated that process.

Now the “little guy” can use any of hundreds of social media platforms to advertise their products for free, and they have the whole world as an audience.

Doing this right does take some marketing savvy, but the opportunity is wide open. Even if you don’t have advanced skills in internet marketing “funnels” or you’re not a highly charismatic social media “personality,” by doing the basics even halfway right, you can grow your own little small business all the way to the moon.

These are the basics you need to have in place, using my own little formula I call the SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINES system:

  1. You need a way to build an email list and make sales to that list all year round using an automated autoresponder sequence.

I call this first element of the system, the YEARLONG PROFITS FUNNEL. You can get fancy with it, but the basic criteria is: do you have an email list system that makes sales for your business around the clock, whether you’re working or not, and does so all 52 weeks of the year? That’s the first element to making the formula work.

  1. Having an email funnel in place and a way to make sales year-round is one thing, but you need a way to drive traffic to that funnel.

The best way I’ve found to do this is the second element of my system, what I call the SOCIAL MEDIA EXPLOSION.

I’m sure you’ve seen some of those “newbies” that enter a space and in a matter of a few months their posts on social media start going crazy and they suddenly take over the feed and are getting crazy amounts of attention out of nowhere.

That’s what a SOCIAL MEDIA EXPLOSION looks like. You want this, because it means you’re driving unbelievable amounts of clicks and traffic back to your own lead capture and email list building system.

Remember the cardinal rule of internet marketing, “the money is in the list.” And the best way to build our email list is the SOCIAL MEDIA EXPLOSION.

The fastest way to grow your list via social media now is to use PAID ADVERTISING on the social networks’ ad platforms. “Organic” traffic is a thing, but it’s a thing that’s better when you already have an audience from a giant email list that you built with paid ads. Due to social networks maturing and monetizing their audiences in every way possible, they’ve mostly so throttled organic reach that sometimes, you’re better off NOT posting and wasting your time.

Relying on “organic traffic,” if you’re just starting out, will consign you to begging for traffic and sales, and you likely won’t see any success at all for years, so, as much as possible, accelerate audience building with paid advertising.

  1. Once you have the foundational first two elements of the system set up, you need to think long and hard about your product, both its quality and profitability for your business.

The way to maximize the profitability of your business, long term, is to set up what I call the HIGH TICKET PRODUCT BACKEND. The aim of this system is to both retain customers for the long term, but also to massively step up the level of product and value we’re delivering to them through that system.

A good way to think about this is to contrast an entry level Mercedes-Benz sedan to a top end presidential Mercedes-Benz limousine. The latter is a much more expensive car, but it provides so much more, in keeping with the security and ride experience that’s needed by high level political leaders and other executives.

What is that ultimate level of value that you can deliver to your market?

  1. SIMPLE SCALABLE OPTIMIZATION – The last element of the SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINES system. Keep things simple as your business grows IF YOU WANT IT TO KEEP GROWING.

Sometimes we get so enamored with bells and whistles and fancy “business stuff” that makes us feel like we’re growing a real business when all we’re doing is strangling the lifeblood out of our businesses.

As much as possible, SIMPLIFY. Simplify the product, simplify the marketing, simplify the operations.

Rather than have 20 products when your business is just finding its legs, cut the number in half instead, then maybe cut it in half again, cutting off losers and retaining blockbuster products.

  1. BONUS, OPTIONAL: GENUINELY HELPFUL EXPERT WEBINARS – When creating and refining this method, I did not want the SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINES system to be so complex that the ordinary solopreneur or small business owner could not easily implement it on their own. This is why this module of GENUINELY HELPFUL EXPERT WEBINARS is strictly optional.

After all, not every small biz owner wants to muck around with webinar technology or educate themselves on webinar scripts that work. With the previous elements in place, you can get plenty of sales and scale your business to the moon with just an email funnel going straight to a call booking page so you get on the phone to close your high ticket sales, no need for a fancy “webinar.”

But if you can do the extra work, adding a webinar in your system, after you’ve already done the fundamentals, can add another high converting asset to your existing system, giving you more options for turning subscribers into customers.

The thing with a GENUINELY HELPFUL EXPERT WEBINAR is to focus on HELPING the audience, rather than JUST making a sales pitch. If you design your slide deck and material around teaching them as much as possible, you will earn goodwill with your audience that makes your sales pitch well received at the end.

And as Frank Kern says, “the best way to prove to people that you can actually help them, is simply by helping them for free.” Once you’ve helped them with your free genuinely helpful webinar training, then when you transition to the pitch and tell them all about your product and ask them to buy, those that have the need and the budget to pay for your solution, will willingly sign up on the spot!

To be clear, you STILL need to sell, you still need to pitch your solution.

Being an EXPERT doesn’t mean you can’t pitch. Presidents and military leaders and heads of states pitch their ideas all the time to get votes or buy in, so don’t think pitching is now beneath you.

If you’re a leader, and a solopreneur is a leader of some tribe or another, then you will need to pitch because that’s how the ideas travel through the tribe and everyone gets on the same page.

It’s just the very last thing we do, after we’ve won goodwill along the way, like a presidential candidate who has just delivered an inspiring campaign speech, after all the applause, we end with a reminder to them, “and don’t forget to go vote tomorrow, we gotta win this!”

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CHAPTER 4: Products, Services, And Finding Your Solopreneur Profit Niche

In the beginning of a Solopreneur Profit Machine, you have so many ideas, and that’s a good thing. Once you realize just what’s possible in forming and growing your own one-man business, there are a lot of directions that suddenly open up.

You can be a music teacher on the internet!

You can be a cooking coach!

You can help small businesses save money with outsourcing!

You can be a tutor for law school candidates that want to get in their top law school!

You can consult with large businesses and show them how to improve their sales practices for big accounts!

There is a method to the madness, and these are some of the best ways to find your winning idea and craft the product that takes your business from obscurity to world famous solopreneur business.

Follow Your Passion

When I first went into business, I followed my passions. However, with little in the way of existing business skills, I promptly failed very wildly in the business world with my own startup ideas.

Later on, as a more experienced and jaded solopreneur, I dabbled with ideas that were supposedly “easy” and would make me a quick buck:

  • Dropshipping
  • Mobile development
  • Ecommerce
  • SEO
  • and on and on

None of those businesses ever panned out for me. And that’s a good thing. I’d not like to spend the rest of my days as the top “SEO” guy in the world, though that apparently makes a lot of money indeed.

Nothing against SEO guys or mobile development, those things are just not my idea of fun.

Eventually I rediscovered the value of one’s own deep seated passions and hobby interests. By pursuing my longstanding passions and interests, I was able to craft a business that mixed in elements of self development, marketing, and music, and had a real creative flair. This is what my marketing consulting services business, Towers Of Zeyron, is all about: helping solopreneurs live their best lives by growing their one-man acts into highly profitable, high growth SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINES.

What Would You Do For Free If You Had A Ton Of Money Already

The problem we often encounter when trying to settle on passion, is we have a ton of passions. For example, I personally am passionate about all these things:

  • NFL
  • dogs
  • languages (have been learning Greek, with more languages on the way)
  • self development
  • music
  • sales and marketing
  • coaching
  • fashion
  • science fiction
  • accounting
  • history
  • and a lot more things

But an easy way to narrow down your solopreneur business idea is to think about which of the things you’re passionate about you’d be willing to do, if need be, for free?

Suppose you made a winning bet on Bitcoin or some speculative stock or commodity derivative, and made a $100 million dollar windfall. You became rich beyond reason and promptly cashed out your winnings and invested in the most conservative portfolio of cashflow producing real estate, farmland, boring dividend-paying stocks, and the most stable franchise businesses in the world.

You never needed to work another day in your life.

But there’s only so much time you can spend taking walks on the beach and watching re-runs of your favorite TV show.

Pretty soon, within 6 months, give or take, you’d be bored out of your mind and wishing you could work again, the only difference being, now you would never work for a paycheck ever again.

So what kind of work would you do?

Would you go train NFL hopefuls in the art of throwing the football?

Would you go coach single moms on how to thrive financially and provide for their families?

Would you go train the masses on the best culinary techniques from around the world?

The sky’s the limit, but the only stipulation is: you would never be paid a cent, ever! You could work as little or as much as you wanted, but all your work would only ever be pro bono. So what would you do? What do you find so fun and thrilling that you would do it even if it never paid you a dime?

That, my friend, is probably what you should build your own SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINE around. The cash you earn will be a welcome secondary reward, but the work itself will be reward enough!

CHAPTER 5: Your First 10 Customers: Grinding It Out

Having settled on a niche and a product or service, your first real big challenge in the market will now crop up: you need to find customers, or have them find you.

The Package And Pricing

To get customers, you need to package up your expertise in a service package, or a product, or else select a product from elsewhere to sell.

Here are some quick tips for the actual product or service you will bring to market. In the beginning, it makes sense to craft a product or service that is relatively highly hands on and relatively high priced.

This is because, in the beginning, you don’t have much of a brand. Very few people are going to pay attention to you, and almost no one will buy. A million people don’t know about you. So you cannot make 100,000 sales of some course or product for $10.

In your first year as a SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINE, you might be lucky if 1,000 people get to know about you and your fledgling little business. Of those, maybe 30, or a hundred at most, will be bold enough to take a risk on your business and buy from you.

What you need is for your product or service to deliver a LOT of value and good for those few customers who take you up on your product offer, and you also need to price fairly high so the business becomes profitable on relatively low volume.

So, rather than sell a $9 ebook, you might want to have a 1 on 1 coaching or consulting product that costs $3k, $30k, or $300k, depending on target market, breadth, and scope of what you do.

Don’t let your limiting beliefs obscure the path to delivering groundbreaking value, such as that $300k offer I mentioned above.

If you were able to advise car manufacturers like Tesla on how to double the efficiency of their battery systems, and you had that kind of specialized knowledge, you could realistically have a year-long consulting engagement for $300k per client, if not a lot more.

If you were coaching law school candidates through the application process for target schools, you could have a 6-month coaching program for $3k per student, and work with a handful of students at any given time.

And if you were helping small businesses outsource all their admin tasks, you could have a $30k yearlong program, and serve a handful of clients year-round as your first product or service.

Finding Your First 10

With a well defined product or service in the price range discussed above, it becomes very profitable to actually carry out targeted cold outreach or cold calling to find your first 10 buyers.

Your product is likely to be specialized enough that a mass market sales and marketing approach would not work that well anyway, especially if you do not have an ample ad budget to get your offer in front of thousands of potential buyers consistently.

If you live in a big city, you’re in luck. Figure out where your prospects live, and go door to door in the neighborhoods they live in, and introduce yourself, leave your business card, and invite them to send you an email or give you a call if they want in. If you distribute 5,000 business cards or flyers on a consistent basis, say, weekly or monthly, you could soon have your first few clients.

The same approach works if you are targeting small businesses or large businesses, rather than the consumer market. If you offer commercial cleaning services, for example, just go door to door in your city’s business district, and talk with the guy or gal in charge of the premises, and see if they could use some help. Be professional and communicate the value your services or product can bring to the businesses you target, and you will soon get some interested prospects eager to sign on.

Other methods of outreach work: cold emails, cold calling on the phone, DMs on social media, messaging prospects in forums and groups, or meeting them in person at events or networking functions. Try them all.

At this stage of your SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINE, sales skill will make or break your business, and so I suggest enrolling in a direct sales course such as those offered for free by network marketing organizations.

Indeed, I have often thought that if there was a perfect way to prepare someone to become an entrepreneur, in the years before becoming an entrepreneur, I’d put them through a door-to-door sales program for a direct sales or network marketing company, selling some health or household goods product. While the civilian world looks down on network marketing salespeople and door to door salesmen, this is in fact the billion dollar skill that will pave the way to your SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINE. Did you know that around 80% of self-made billionaires had some kind of direct sales experience before becoming a billionaire?

For your SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINE, the key thing is to have a well defined product or service that’s super valuable for the target prospect, and engage in a lot of 1-on-1 conversations with potential buyers until you’ve filled up your roster with your first 10 customers.

That is enough to get you to your first 6 figures in business, and if you rinse and repeat, you can have a SOLOPRENEUR PROFIT MACHINE that’s now doing multiple six figures a year in revenue. Great start, now it’s time to pour gasoline on the fire!

CHAPTER 6: Predictable Growth With A Social Media Explosion And Paid Traffic

Social media has changed. In bad mean ways. And most marketers, like the proverbial frog in a boiling pot, didn’t even notice. They are still posting on Facebook and trying to get likes like it was 2007. But Facebook don’t love them no more!

To understand the fundamental shift that’s happened, and therefore what you need to do to win in today’s game, it’s important to understand what happened to SEO before social media ever became a thing.

There was a time when SEO worked. For just about anyone who tried. Nowadays, that’s no longer the case. You can’t rank on the first page of Google or other major search engines for “pets” or “beer” unless you’re spending a small fortune, in most cases.

Those who can’t accept this reality, and delude themselves on making “SEO” work, are likely not to make a buck for years.

Same goes for “social media.”

And every other “media” that’s been created. This is just how it goes.

Why Organic Reach Is Hard To Come By

Back when the social media platforms first appeared, there was such a paucity of content on the platforms that they had to try really hard to get anyone to post. YouTube, for example, started as a dating app, struggled to get people to post videos of themselves onto the site.

In the early days, before marketers and others realize all the possibilities open to them on a platform, a platform has to heavily incentivize anyone to post at all.


…The full book is available for $12.

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