What's The Clutch Gene All About

What’s The Clutch Gene All About


It’s a General Tomahawk with the clutch gene.
Okay, So what’s the show all about? Well, the show is all about clutch performance, you know?
Are you a clutch performer?
Are you good at a skill?
Are you a great singer?

Are you a good football player like Tom Brady?

Are you a great tennis player?

Are you a great affiliate marketer?

I like John Chow. Are you great Salesmen like Jordan Belfort? I liked Belfort.
Are you a great musician? A great guitar player. Whatever your craft is, you clutch it. What does it take to be clutch? You know, I heard Jill Adaman of the Patriots talking about that how Tom Brady has got the clutch gene. I thought, like, Does that exist or does it not exist?
So, in a sense, you could say I’m looking for the clutch Gene. Okay, You post in the comments. What do you think?
Do you think the Clutch Gene exists or do you think it’s some made-up stuff that doesn’t exist anyway? Catch me live next time on the Clutch Gene.

Like, Wow. I like John Chow. Are you great? Salesmen like Jordan Belfort. I liked Belfort.

Are you a great musician? A great guitar player. Whatever your craft is, you clutch it. And what does it take to be clutch? You know, I had Julian Edelman of the Patriots talking about how Tom Brady has got the clutch Gene and I and I thought, like, Does that exist or does it not exist?

So, in a sense, you could say I’m looking for the clutch Gene. I wonder, you know I wonder. Okay, You post in the comments. What do you think?

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Do you think the Clutch Gene exists or do you think it’s just some made-up stuff that doesn’t exist anyway? Catch me live next time on the Clutch Gene.

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