Welcome back to the Rain Gate. Solopreneur Profits Boot Camp. All about attracting the right clients and growing your profits. Making a lot more money in your solopreneur business. In your service business. And as a freelancer, a solopreneur, or a service business owner. And on day number three, I’m going to show you how to attract all the clients that you want on autopilot. So you can stop cold calling and you get all the business that you need without having to do pitches. Having to do cold calls, having to do cold emails, network, or having to beg for referrals. So this is going to teach you the methods that will get you to grow your solopreneur business on autopilot. But this is because you’re going to put it in place. What I call the profitable marketing system for Solopreneurs. So let’s lay down the fundamentals that you need a first thing. You need to realize the first key that you need for your solopreneur business is that attraction is better than chasing. If you got to chase clients. If you have to beg clients to work with you. Then you pretty much you’re never going to be able to make the money. That you would like your solopreneur business to make. And this is, unfortunately, where there are a lot of solopreneurs. A lot of freelancers and a lot of service business owners get stuck.
They think if they met enough people if they handed out their business cards to enough people, then they would get all the business they want. But the problem is, when you are chasing people, it’s very hard for them to buy because nobody likes to be sold. There’s this saying in the sales industry that everybody likes to buy, but nobody likes being sold. So if you got to chase people, you got to try to convince them. A lot of the time. Most of the time they’re not going to buy. So attraction is far, far better than chasing. You don’t want to chase. Now let’s look at the second principle. In your market, visibility is better than invisibility. One of the key mistakes that Solopreneurs make. They use social media tools like Facebook and Twitter and Linked In to communicate with their friends to catch up. To complain about what’s going wrong or to celebrate what’s going right in their lives. But they don’t use the tools as business tools. So to their markets, they are pretty much invisible. They might be visible to their friends and family. But the problem is your friends and family are not going to be able to grow your business to where it needs to be. Right? So when you are invisible to your market. You’re not going to get the high-value work, you’re not going to get the Star clients. They’re not going to be coming into your business. So You Want To Be Visible and You Want To Use These Tools To Grow Your profile.
Not for personal networking. But to blow up how you’re seen and perceived and to start using these platforms as a tool for client attraction. We’re going to get into how exactly you do this in a second. But here’s what you need to stop is you need to stop cold calls, cold emailing, and spamming people on social media. So even on social media, you’re not going to spam. A lot of solopreneurs want to go on there and spam, say, hire me to do X-Y-Z. That’s not how this works. You’re still in a chasing mindset if you’re doing that kind of thing. You’re going to have to stop begging for referrals and you’re going to stop disparate networking. Like those chase tactics, they don’t work. And they don’t work well enough where you can grow your business on autopilot and get all the clients you could want. And you have clients chasing after you instead of the other way around. So as a reindeer solopreneur, which is what I’m teaching you here to do. You’re going to install what I call the profitable marketing system for solopreneurs. And this is what attracts clients to you and gets your business on autopilot. So this is how you do it. So these are the actual steps. Okay. So it’s a three-step process and you need to get this sequence exactly right. And this is how you do it. The first step is you’re going to this is the attraction phase. You’re going to get people into your system, into your world. Our second step is going to be to deliver value. Okay? You’re going to show your expertise.
And then our final step is going to be to book new clients. This is actually where you close them on working with you and where you get them to become clients. So how do you do these three steps? Okay, so let’s go back to the start. Step one is attraction. So what you want to do is to attract clients. Think about it almost like when you go fishing, you never put a hook in the water. I know a lot of us are not fishermen, but think about how fishermen do it. They never throw a hook in the water and hope the fish are going to somehow make you going to bite on that. No. Instead, they first put bait, something that the fish likes. And that’s what attracts the fish into the fisherman’s world. Otherwise, the fish would never come to that place in particular. Fish are busy doing whatever it is they do. They had no time to check out some fishermen. So this is you in the marketplace. You have to do something that attracts the right target clients that you want for yourself. So you’re going to create something that your market likes. It’s going to be some kind of checklist, some kind of ebook, some kind of audio program. You could put it together like a mini-training program. You could put together some kind of high-value information that you can give. So if you are in the fitness niche, like we’ve given a few examples before in this program. This could be like some kind of cheat sheet about how they can transform their body or some clean eating tips.
How to eat clean without feeling like you’re missing out on all the crazy things that you want to eat if you’re on a diet. So something like that. Some information that gets them to get some value and get some results in the domain that you’re able to help them out with. So that’s your lead magnet and you put that on your website in exchange for the person’s email address. So you’re going to need to sign up with some kind of email list-building software. Something like MailChimp. Something like converting keep. Send in blue. There is a lot of this email marketing software that is out there. And what you want to do is you want to create a lead market and offer it on a landing page. So that people can give you their email addresses in exchange for the thing that they can download. Like a free ebook, and some cheat sheets so they can get some valuable, helpful information from you.
So once you’ve attracted them, they are on your email list, and they downloaded your free product. The second step is to nurture these people. So this is where you’re going to send out some valuable emails. So you’re going to follow up with a sequence of super valuable emails. You want to be emailing these people pretty much every week. So all the people on your email list, send them free tutorials, send them free how-to guides about how to do what it is that you do. Like weight loss tips. If you’re a fitness trainer, or if you’re an accountant. This could be like some tips on how to save on taxes. Some tips on how to do tax filing tips. Some tips on how to, and some deductions that you could be using in your business to save money. It could be a bunch of things. Some cash flow tips, what to do if you need to drum up more cash flow in your business tool to save money to hire new employees? And what kind of corporate structure is best for your business. So these could be super valuable emails that go out to your email list every week you want to do. I recommend about three emails a week, super valuable emails. So that’s how you nurture these prospective clients for the long term. So step number three, you got the lead magnet, you got the value emails where you’re nurturing your email list. So step number three is now you’re going to book clients.
So how you do this is every once in a while, once a week, every two weeks, or a month, depending on how often you can take on new clients. You’re going to allow them to work with you. So you’re going to send out like a typical email, you’ve been sending out a lot of value emails. Now you’re going to send out what’s known as a peach email where you say, hey, by the way, you can get more help from my high-value niche service package, whatever. Remember the three offers that we came up with? So your tripwire, your membership program, and your high-value niche service offer. So you’re going to give them a chance to buy one of those three. Which could be either your tripwire or your group membership program. Or your high-value niche service package. Every once in a while you allow them to buy one of those so that they can get to the next level that your expertise can provide them with. And so this is how you do it and that’s how you attract all the clients that your business needs and you’re able to grow your business on autopilot. Now, the goal of this training program and the way it’s set up is that you should be able to put all this right away in your own business. And that’s what I want you to do. As well as the previous days’ training, start implementing this in your business right now. Because when you do this, you will make your business a lot of money, you will get a lot of clients, and you’ll be able to grow your business.
Now, if you want to work with me and my team and get a community that supports you. That will help you with accountability and get this implemented in your business with a lot more detail. A lot more accountability, walking you step by step through what you need to do to attract clients on autopilot for your business. Then I invite you to look into my program. The Service Bees Mastermind. Which is all about helping service business owners. To grow their businesses to the high six figures and seven figures to be able to scale their businesses. So this will help you to get all the clients that your business needs. And you won’t have to be chasing after clients. You won’t have to be code-calling or code-emailing. This will help you get off that. And you have a new level of predictability in your business where you can get clients on autopilot. And it’s all about implementing a profitable marketing system for solopreneurs. So you’re going to get a lot of help, a lot of weekly accountability. You’re going to have a supportive community around you. And we’re going to help you shut the path to grow your service business to high six figures and high seven figures. And you can get all this done in the service business, mastermind. The cost for the service business, Mastermind, is $1,000 a month. And you can get started by booking a call with me or my team. We can discuss if this is the right program for your service business. Now, at the time of this training, we have eight slots opening up. So there are eight slots. So if this sounds like something that you are interested in, I encourage you to book a call with my team or me. The link will be below this training video. And you can book a course so we can discuss if this is the right program to help you grow your business.
Now, one more thing. Is that for the first three sign-ups, for the first three people to sign up in the service business, mastermind? You’re going to get something a little extra as well as you’re going to get a 50% discount. 50% off. And that’s to help you guys. And that’s going to be for the first three people to sign up. Again. We only have eight slots, so it’s not a lot of sports. If you want to take action, you book a call and discuss this with us at your earliest opportunity. But For The First Three People, the first three sign-ups, you’re going to get 50%off for the next twelve months. But the idea with this training program anyway is you should be able to do all this by yourself. But it’s obvious if you need the extra layer of accountability. You need the extra community around you, helping you, and supporting you. Making it happen a lot quicker. To help you grow your business you can book a call with us and see if the service business mastermind is right for you. Now, in the next day’s training for day number four. We’re going to talk about the system for how you can get to the stage. Where you stop trading time for money and your business. Can make money without you having to be there. Without you having to do any manual work anymore. Without you having to be paid by the hour or for doing any kind of work. In other words, how you can get pairwise, to have faster sleep. Get paid wise, you’re on the beach, or get paid wise, you’re out traveling and you’re living your life.
So that’s all in day number four and in the bonus training that we’ve prepared for that. So I’ll see you in that training video.
I help solopreneurs get MORE PROFITABLE in WAY LESS TIME, grow and scale their one man businesses into time independent 7-8 figure machines that make money even when you’re asleep. Learn how in my Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp.