Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert


Okay, welcome. And we are back with day number two of the Rain Gate solopreneur profits boot camp. And on day number two, we’re going to talk about how to go from commodity freelancer to high-end expense. This is all about crafting a high-value offer so that you no longer have to charge small amounts of money, but can get paid for what it is that you do. So first of all, let me tell you about the difference between a commodity and a high-end expert. Being a commodity is what you don’t want to be. And this is unfortunately where a lot of solopreneurs, freelancers, and service business owners are stuck. As a commodity, it means you’re like everyone else. And the problem is when you’re like everyone else, you are completely replaceable. Anybody else can take your gig or can take your work, whatever it is that you provide that value. Anybody else can do that thing pretty much as well as you might be able to. And so that doesn’t give you a very helpful position from which to charge high amounts of money. The problem here is that pretty often. Business owners are looking to outsource commodity-type work to freelancers in cheaper or lower-cost countries. So you might have heard all about outsourcing, a lot of It work in India. If you are a software developer or freelancer. You somehow get yourself into your commodity positioning.

Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

You are vulnerable to a lot of competition from outsourcing-type work setups. Where a lot of companies are outsourcing work. If you are serving the BTC market. You’re seen as a commodity, then, for example, if you’re a fitness trainer, you might be seen as replaceable with any other guy at the gym next door. And this is what you don’t want. It makes it hard for you to charge premium prices. So what is the solution to this? Because this is not how a Rain solopreneur does business. The thing is you need to be seen as a high-value expert, somebody who has a lot of expertise, somebody who is a leader in the industry. So let’s talk about how you do that. And what you want to do is you want to target a unique targeted niche. You don’t want to be like everybody else. A niche is a narrow area where it’s hard to compete with you because you’re kind of like the natural expert if you will. So let’s talk about how you pick your unique narrow niche. And it’s something that I call serving a unique narrow psychographic, which is like USP’s unique narrow psychographic.

Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

It means it’s a group of people out there that for them you’re pretty much the ideal guy or girls like one else pretty much can compete with you. So let’s talk about how you identify this unique narrow niche for yourself. Because you might be sitting there thinking, but I don’t know what my niche is, or what my target market should be. Well, I’ll help walk you exactly through how we identify this. So take a piece of paper and take your pen and write down the answers. List down these things as I walk down the list. So I want you to list three things you would do for free for work. Even if no one was paying you to do it, and you had all the money that you needed for your daily life and expenses. So imagine you didn’t need money, but you had to do some kind of work pretty much for free, unpaid. What are the top three things that you would do in that setup? So actually list those three things down. Okay, ready? And now let’s move on to the next question. So now list down three things that you are knowledgeable about in a way that the average person is not. Okay? These are three things that you know a ton about that the average person doesn’t know as much as you do about these three things.

Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

So take a little bit of time and list down those three things. Then having decided what those three things are. Go back to your list now. You have six things because you listed down three things that you would do even if no one was paying you. You also listed three things at which you are much, much more knowledgeable than the typical person than average. Because what’s going to be your unique narrow thing? Your unique niche might be things that you are strong at, or it might be things that you don’t think you are strong at. But somehow you know a lot more than the average person. You might not even realize that that’s what your niche should be. So now having those six things, let’s now identify who you can do this thing for. So I want you to think about which small group of people want it the most and are willing to pay and have the money to pay you $10,000 for it. Because you want to target a group of people who have the money to pay you and who want it the most, need it the most, and want the most. So let me give you an example of what might work and what might not work.

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Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

So, for example, let’s say you decided that your thing, your passion was all about productivity and saving time and creating time. And you’re a mom yourself. You love moms. You love the process and everything. So you got to target moms. But now here’s the thing. There are two different kinds of groups of moms that we could be talking about. That you could target as your niche, and you could say I’m going to do time management for stay-at-home moms. I’m going to do time management for working moms right now. Here’s the thing if you decided you were going to do time management for stay-at-home moms. The thing is you might discover that stay-at-home moms have all the time in the world. They are staying at home and taking care of the kids. But when the kids go to school, they are not as busy. So they have all the time in the world to do whatever it is that they need to get done. So if you were to target that group, that might not work so well. If they already got all the time, then they might be like, why would I buy your course? I don’t need to get a course. Or why would you get your service? Why would I get you to help me save time? I don’t need anything like this.

Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

But you might also discover that the other category of moms, the working mothers that have to go to work every day, have to be up early.

That they have to go to work every day. You have to be up early, commute, you have to deal with all the stress of work and everything. Then they somehow don’t have time to take care of their kids when they get back home. They might be saying, I wish I had more time. So if you target the second category of moms, that might be the niche that wants what it is that you’re an expert that you can provide. And two are willing and able to pay for it. So they have to have the money to be able to pay for it. So this is how you pick your niche. Go through those six questions, the six items you listed out, and then decide based on who needs it most and who has the money to pay for it. So now this is how we are going to craft our high-value offer we’re going to create three things, right? These three things are what get you paid. So three products. The first product is what’s known as a tripwire. And this is a useful but small kind of product. So it could be an ebook, or it could be a small digital e-course. It could be audio that delivers them a lot of money to pay.

Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

This is something that’s going to cost anywhere from like seven dollars to fifty dollars or so. That’s going to be your trip wire. And then our second product as part of this high-value system is going to be a program where people can get help from you in a group setting. So it’s going to be a monthly kind of group membership where they can tune in to get implementation advice or whatever it is that you offer them. If you have a fitness trainer helping people lose weight, this could be some kind of fitness club. And I tell pricing this around like $100 a month,100 to a maximum of like $500 a month. You could go lower than $100, like$60 a month if you want. And then let’s talk about number three, which is going to be the third part of your high-value product suite. And this is going to be for the people that want your personalized help so that you actually can get that thing done for them. So this is going to be your high-ticket niche service and it’s going to be obvious for the people that want you to do it for them. So this is going to be like the ultimate tier of people getting the help and expertise that you can help them with. So in the mom productivity time example, that might be you working with mothers one on one, you helping them out with whatever it is they need to do.

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Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

But let me kind of turn it into a complete example. So I will show you how the trip wire works and the kind of monthly group program that would work. And then also how you can also set up your high-value niche service, which is like the high ticket, the outlet here. So let me give you an example from someone who is a fitness trainer. So let’s suppose you are a fitness trainer and you’re setting up this product suite of high-value offers. So your first product is going to be like an ebook, and it’s going to be $8. And it’s a simple but very useful ebook targeting people that want to lose some weight. And it’s going to be something like the three diet hacks that lose fat the fastest. So that’s an ebook, and it’s $8. People can buy this from your website and it’s a simple eight-buck ebook, but very useful. Now if they want to go deeper with what it is you do and take part in an environment. Where this is being done and they can get help in a group. As part of a group, then you would offer a monthly membership group program. And it’s going to be something like the rapid fat loss club. Okay? So you always kind of want to package up your programs in a way as you give them an attractive name. Something that makes it clear what the value is going to be, and also makes it something that your target niche market would want.

Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

Okay, so we covered that’s your tripwire, and then that second membership program, that’s your group program. Now for people that want the ultimate tier of service. You’re going to offer one-on-one personal training in a package where you help them get the best results that you can get them. So you’re going to have a niche, high-value niche service that’s going to be like a billion-dollar body one-on-one workout for rapid fat loss. And this is going to be like a three-month program to lose X number of pounds. Like they want to lose £30 in three months or they want to lose £20. It depends on what their actual target is. But you have this billion-dollar body one on one workouts for a rapid fat loss program. That’s going to be your niche service, a high-value niche service, and it’s going to be a three-month program for $15,000. Very high-value offer where you help them reach this particular milestone. And land on the amount of weight that they’ve targeted, they want to lose. And you do all the workhouse with them. You go through all the diet principles, you go through everything that they might need and they’re getting it from you. So now you have a tripwire, but you don’t have that. You also have a group program which is $100 a month, and you also have a high-value niche service. So when you have these three things working, you’re no longer a commodity solopreneur.

Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp Day 2 High-End Expert

A commodity service provider or a commodity freelancer like other people might be. You’re now a high-value somebody who’s got something very unique in the marketplace, very high value. And people can get it at different levels. They can get the triple IR, they can get the group monthly program, or they can get the one-on-one personalized high ticket service. Okay, so actually start implementing this right now in your business and create these high-value offers. In the next day’s training, we are going to talk about how you attract all the clients. That you could want in your business so that you no longer have to cold calls and send code emails. You have to push your business cards around or have to do another manual type of trying to get clients. So see you in the next day’s training video.

I help solopreneurs get MORE PROFITABLE in WAY LESS TIME, grow and scale their one man businesses into time independent 7-8 figure machines that make money even when you’re asleep. Learn how in my Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp.

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