Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp, Day 1 Part 2 The 10 Signs You Have The Wrong Clients

Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp, Day 1 Part 2: The 10 Signs You Have The Wrong Clients


Okay, so now let’s talk about ten actual signs that your clients are keeping you broke. Because, like in any market, how much you charge is going to vary from market to market. So I’m not going to tell you that you need to charge $10,000, you need to charge$30,000, or you need to charge 100. It is granted because what you do, and who you do it for, will vary from industry to industry. But, regardless of what it is you do. Some universal signs will show you whether you are charging the right amount. Or your clients are in fact, keeping you broke. So let’s talk about designs and think about these hard. If you’ve experienced any of these things in your business. If you’re facing any of these challenges, then you know that your prices most likely need to go up, way, way up. And we’re going to talk about ways that you can do this and be able to attract the right clients. On days two and three, and four, we’re going to have a lot of ways. But these are the ten signs that your clients are keeping you broke. So let me go down the list right here. And so the first one is that you have not taken a day off in the last three months. So, like, if you haven’t had a day off, then take that.

That’s a sign. Well, you might be Elon Musk. But most likely, you have to work as hard as Elon Musk unless you’re Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. It’s an excellent sign that your clients are keeping you broke. Number two, you can’t afford to hire a team of employees to do what you do even better, to help you. So if you can’t afford to hire employees to help you and make everything you are doing even better. You can’t afford the employees to stop your customer service and give your customers a superior level of value to what you can do for them. You can afford to hire employees to handle some of your fulfillment. Do lower-level details that you don’t want to do, and help you take some of the work for yourself. If you can’t afford to hire a team to help employees, to help you to make everything superior and better for your clients and yourself. Then that’s a sign that your clients are keeping you broke. Number three, clients call you all day or night expecting you to talk to them. So this happens to a lot of solopreneurs, and it’s not your fault. There are a lot of bad clients out there. If they are calling you at all hours of the day or night expecting you to talk to them. It’s a sign that your clients are keeping you broke. Number four, your clients treat you like an employee rather than a trusted advisor.

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So if your clients treat you like they are your boss. They think they own you and your time and your ideas. If they treat you as an employee rather than as a trusted adviser. Then there’s a very good likelihood that your clients are keeping you very broke. And it’s one of those things that you need to fix. Number five, you don’t have an email list that you email with newsletters about how your business can help them. So if you are getting all your clients through word of mouth, through farrows. You have to beg for referrals. You have to hand out business cards, manuals, and things like that. You’re having to try networking and putting yourself in front of people. If you don’t have an email list by which your business can keep in touch with customers. And keep in touch with prospective customers. Then that’s another of those signs that your clients are keeping you broke. Another good sign is you charge less than $100 an hour. So there are some industries where that’s not even how much you should be charging. Your rates should be $ 300 an hour, 400 $500 an hour. But as a basic baseline, if you are below that. If you’re charging below $100 an hour, most likely your clients are keeping you broke. Number seven, you can’t afford to take your family on vacation to an island for three weeks and stay in a fancy hotel. So, if you’re not able to afford a vacation for yourself and your family and be able to enjoy some good time off in a nice place and a nice vacation location.

Then very likely your clients are keeping you broke. Number eight, if you have unpaid medical bills or you cannot afford necessary medical treatment for yourself or your family. Then most likely, in that case, for sure, your clients are keeping you broke. Because as an expert and knowledgeable professional. Your expertise is valuable to the marketplace. You have to leverage it in the right ways and you should be able to afford all your basic needs and also a lot of luxuries. That’s the way it is. So if you are having to script to levels that are in many ways painful. You’re having to put in a level of sacrifice that is unusual and uncommon, those aren’t things you should have to put up with. So in that case, your clients are keeping you broke, and you need to fix that. Number nine, you can’t afford to buy a brand-new car without going into debt. So in that case, that means your clients are keeping you broke. Because you should be able to buy a brand new car. Be able to afford it off of your assigned capital accounts, and savings accounts, not your retirement account. But you should be able, with your financial resources. To be able to buy a brand new car as a solopreneur and not have to take on a whole slug of debt or do unusual things like that. So in that case, definitely your clients are giving you a break and you need to apply these methods and principles. That we’re going to go through it in the following days to fix that.

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Number ten, you don’t have a niche or you don’t know what your niche is. So if you are doing things for everybody and anybody. You’re hoping anybody and everybody signs up. That’s another one of those signs that your clients are keeping you broke. You should be well-known in the marketplace for a specific niche and a specific narrow subcategory in the market. This is how you’ll make the big money. And so those are the ten signs that your clients are keeping you broke. And on day two, we’re going to go through the second step. The first step is your prices have got to go way up. And now on day number two, which is going to be the next set of training, you’re going to uncover very powerful ways to make that happen.

I help solopreneurs get MORE PROFITABLE in WAY LESS TIME, grow and scale their one man businesses into time independent 7-8 figure machines that make money even when you’re asleep. Learn how in my Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp.

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