7 Figure Course Launch: When Should You Run Ads For Your Course

Considering running ads to promote your course?

I say go for it. In my experience, running ads is a highly informative thing to do. You learn a bunch and you might even make a few sales.

Here are some ways to make the most from your ads budget.

  1. Run ads to build your list rather than to sell the thing directly.
  2. Run ads, not on one platform, but rather, test multiple, and see which converts best.
  3. Play the ads game for the long run. If you’re looking for quick cheap wins, you might buy some fool’s gold.
  4. Track conversions relentlessly.

If you run ads the wrong way, it can quickly turn into a very expensive cash burning exercise. But that’s no excuse to not run ads. In my experience, most businesses don’t grow because they are committed philosophically to the idea that not running advertising is cheaper in the long run. EXPENSIVE MISTAKE!!

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