Social networks are very active in 2020, and using them is a way to get popular. They have high organic reach which means that you can easily reach a wide range of audience even those that are far away from you. However, there are certain social networks that have the highest organic reach in 2020, and I will tell you all about them here.

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1. Snapchat

This is among the top social networks that have high organic reach. Furthermore, it was rebranded which lead to CNN and other news publishers in joining Snapchat, so they post and curate real time stories there. You can also post something that you are sure will attract users and from there, they can contact you about the post since you can also chat on Snapchat.

2. Facebook

This is the most common social network to be known with a high organic reach, even though it is decreasing, therefore you need to provide content that attracts viewers and in a way that appeals to them. So posting videos, photos, write-ups that are appealing and that draw customers in should be how you increase your organic reach.

React to viewer’s comments and messages so as to show that you care. Since when people are giving attention to, they believe that they matter to the one giving them attention, and it is true that viewers are important to us. In case you are too busy to be replying all messages and comments, you can get a social media manager who can also post videos, messages, photos, etc.

3. Twitter

Twitter is also among the social networks that have the highest organic reach. They reach so many viewers there that top brands post often on Twitter according to a survey, so it should be the social network that you are most active on.

On Twitter, you can retweet your posts, your followers can do so too and also share them. Moreover, you can also quote retweet your tweet with a similar one.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest is even better than Twitter and Facebook in terms of organic reach. This is because another user doesn’t need to be your follower to see your posts or pins as they are called in regards to Pinterest. So even if a person doesn’t want to follow to you, he can see your pins easily.

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Moreover, the visibility of pins last up to 105 days in the News feed unlike Facebook or Twitter which lasts for 90 minutes and 24 minutes. Additionally, 93 out of 100 the world’s top brands own an account on Pinterest. There is also the ‘pin it’ button feature that you can use to help you increase organic reach. According to a study, the worthiness of Pinterest pins is far more than Facebook likes.

5. Instagram

This is among the top highest social networks, if not the highest in organic reach. It has so many active users and these users were gained very quickly. Moreover, it has the highest percentage of content going viral. Until recently, Instagram had no ads which will give a better user experience.

6. LinkedIn

This is one of the most popular social networks and also among those that have the highest organic reach. So many well off businesses are using it with their employees, hence, it has a wide range of users.

Ways To Increase Organic Reach On Social Networks

Work More on Quality Rather Than Quantity

Work on making your content unique, appealing and wanted, not only posting content frequently that doesn’t attract viewers attention well. That is how you can increase your organic on social networks, and it also works faster and easier.

Interact With Your Audience

The main determinant concerning the algorithm regarding social network platforms is interacting with your audience. This action of interacting with your audience uplifts and increases your organic reach.

You can do that by replying to messages and comments made on the posts you have made. Comments, likes, retweets and actions like that help in boosting your social networks organic reach. As earlier mentioned, if you can’t respond to all comments or messages or reactions, you can easily hire a social media manager. So that he/she will login to your social network accounts and respond in your stead. Additionally, interacting with your audience and being responsive will increase the ranking of your feed.

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Post User Generated Content

Post user generated content on your social networks so that it will bring users and that will increase your organic reach. Making hashtags on your brand can help your posts to reach many users, all you have to do is to start a hashtag campaign whereby your viewers will also post content that features your brands with a hashtag.

There is such a thing known as reward based UGC campaigns. This is when other users post your products, brands or services, and you reward them with giving something in return like a prize or adding their posts to your News feed. This also increases your organic reach on social networks.

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Live Streamed Videos Sessions

This helps a lot in boosting organic reach since live streamed sessions will build a connection with the viewers. This is because live streamed videos are more connected, interactive and it attracts the viewer’s attention to the video. Moreover, if the content is engaging and appealing, the viewers will share it to other users on that social network and even other social networks.

Use Analytics Tools To Monitor Organic Reach

Analytic tools can help in showing information and data about your brand/content that are useful on your various social networks, thereby increasing organic reach. These tools track all reactions concerning your content such as how many people viewed, liked, followed, or retweeted it. Furthermore, it can show any patterns regarding viewer’s reactions, which posts have the most reactions, etc.

The analytic tools also provides information that can help you know which posts are most appealing to viewers so that you will be posting more of that content and reducing or removing posts that are less appealing to viewers. Moreover, you can arrange the settings that way so that it will be doing so for all your posts, current and future.

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