Product Launch Lessons From Microsoft's CoPilot+ PCs Product Launch (Updated June 5, 2024)

Product Launch Lessons From Microsoft’s CoPilot+ PCs Product Launch (Updated June 5, 2024)

There are a few product launch lessons we can take away from Microsoft launch for CoPilot+ PCs. Three big ones are worth pointing out when assessing this product launch:

  1. Stories Sell: Use Them In VSLs, Product Ads, And Webinars

I liked the story-selling style of Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella in the product launch keynote for CoPilot+ PCs.

He reverted to a Steve-Jobs-like inspiring presentation, talking about the past story of Windows and how this launch is the future of Windows.

Better, and more persuasive, than saying, “We have a new product. Wanna buy it?”

  1. Similarities With Tai Lopez’s “Here In My Garage” Story

The Tai Lopez “Here In My Garage” video advertorial for his “67 Steps” info product used story very effectively as well.

This is a commonality between the Microsoft CoPilot+ PCs launch and the Tai Lopez ad that went super viral on social media and got in front of millions and millions of potential buyers.

Make the launch and the product about something much bigger than the product, and you’ll inspire ideal product customers to try out the product.

  1. “You Had Me At AI”

This has really been the year of artificial intelligence. Microsoft did not come out with CoPilot+ PCs last year, or 8 years from now.

“Why now?”

That’s the question consumers are asking themselves in the back of their mind if you’re selling something to them. Often, they can afford to say, “Not yet, I’ll take a look next year.”

By creating a product that fits with the times and with the current hyperfocused attention on AI, Microsoft is moving with the times. Everyone, myself included, wants to check out this AI in built into their new PCs.

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