Business requires you to be confident.

It has been proven that the most successful business people on the planet have high levels of certainty and confidence. It’s not something they’re born with. No-one in fact is born with it, it’s something that is built over time. So how can you create confidence?  

If I told you that tomorrow you are going to wake up at 6am and run a marathon. Some of you reading this might say; “let’s rock and roll!” Whereas the rest of you might have a look of horror on your face because you’re prepared. Mentally as well as physically. You simply haven’t trained and built the muscle.

Yet, if I said to you; “Tomorrow morning at 6am, I want you to run one kilometer,” then I’d bet you’d probably be willing to at least give it a try. Week by week you’d add on more kilometers, getting stonger and better as you go. The pattern of doing and getting better would build your confidence and over time lead you to be ready to run that marathon.

The key here is the doing and getting better as you go. Don’t expect perfection straight away. You see, to be confident is to be competent. Meaning, the more competent you are, the more confidence you’ll have.  


Short bio: 

Arnon Barnes started his first business at age 11 and built and sold his first multi million euro company by the age of 28! 

In the past 7 years Arnon has personally trained and coached more than 90 000 people from well over 65 different countries including, The Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the UK, Brazil, Singapore and South Africa to name a few.

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Arnon is an explosive international speaker, author, investor and one of Europe’s leading and most exciting business mentors.


Want to meet and work with Arnon? Join one of his upcoming online training or masterclasses. For more information his website www.arnonbarnes.com or contact his office via info@arnonbarnes.com.

I help solopreneurs get MORE PROFITABLE in WAY LESS TIME, grow and scale their one man businesses into time independent 7-8 figure machines that make money even when you’re asleep. Learn how in my Renegade Solopreneur Profits Bootcamp.


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