Ten Mutunhire's 7 Figure Product Launches

Get Random Product To $100K In Sales Challenge: Day 2

When it comes to launching my product for this “Get Random Product To $100K In Sales Challenge,” I’ve had to face my own limiting beliefs too.

“This product won’t sell. I mean, you picked it very randomly”

This is a good one. And I had to talk myself into actually going with the book info-product that I’m launching. I came up with all kinds of ideas, including creating a much bigger product bundle, to turn the product package into something more than just a book.

But, fortunately, I realized the insanity of my own limiting beliefs about the product. If you’re worried about your product, whether it’s an ecommerce product, a SaaS software, or an info product, you’re probably in the best kind of place to launch and market it.

Take a few risks, and launch without doing a big preparation months out in advance. So, as a marketer, I’m gonna break a few rules with this product launch and just kinda get the product out there as fast as possible with minimum marketing rituals.

“This product won’t appeal to people in the way it should for a super successful launch”

This is just a rational cover for more fears about product not selling, and so, how I address it is just realizing what this is. However, in this case there’s a rational sounding comeback: The product will sell because it has some of my own best marketing ideas inside. I did try to document the systems I’d recommend myself or anyone use to launch any product or business as a solopreneur.

So if this one don’t sell, then I get to use all these secrets just for myself. It’s hard to keep a good idea a secret. Even a bad idea like smoking cigarettes, will still get many buyers and imitators.

See also  Get Random Product To $100K In Sales Challenge: Day 11 (On Disasters)

So relax, your ecommerce, Saas, or other product is probably gonna sell more than expected!

Having addressed these and other fears, you should be in a good position to think about an operational launch plan. Simply it’s about WHO are you selling this product to. HOW and WHERE do you find them. And WHAT do you communicate to SELL the product to them? I did a lot of work on this just over the last 24 hours.

The plan comes down to the “7 Figure Product Launch Process” I’ve shared about in detail in some of my posts and YouTube videos. I will break down the launch plan as applied to this individual product in detail over a series of posts in the coming weeks.

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