Copywriting Example For Selling A Hobby Magazine Subscription For Trout Anglers. This Is How To Sell A Brand The Right Way

Trout Spoken Here

Also Bass. Salmon. And Bonefish





There’s no obligation. But we will throw in a FREE CREEL if you accept our subscription offer.

Fellow Angler:

There’s bait casting. There’s spin fishing. And then they fishing — what Robert Traver (author of Anatomy of a Murder but best known to fishermen for his love affair with trout) called “one of the more amiable forms of an incurable madness.”

If the hairs on your neck tingle at the vision of a dusk-rising brown gently finning as he looks upstream for hors d’oeuvres, you’ve got the madness.

I know I do. I’m the Editor of FLY FISHERMAN. Like Robert Traver I fish because …

“… in a world where most men seem to spend their lives doing things they hate, my fishing is at once an endless source of delight and an act of rebellion ,,,

“… because trout do not lie or cheat and cannot be bought or bribed or impressed by power, but respond only to quietude and humility and endless patience …”

I’ve got it bad; this amiable madness. And so do all of us here at FLY FISHERMAN magazine.

When we’re not hipdeep in New York’s Beaverkill, Montana’s Bighorn or California’s Hat Creek, we’re planning our next trip — swapping stories about our last one — or writing about it in FLY FISHERMAN.

When we’re not waiting for a hatch along Michigan’s Au Sable … skimming the boneflats of the Florida Keys … casting to smallmouths in Virginia’s Shenandoah River, we’re writing about it in FLY FISHERMAN.

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When we’re not debating the merits of the Light Cahill, Gray Midge, Royal Wulff, Rusty Spinner, Leadwing Coachman, Tan Caddis Pupa, Marabou Streamer, Muddler Minnow, Black-nosed Dace…

… or inventing better imitations of mayfly nymphs, duns and spinners, caddisflies, stoneflies, minnows …

… creating artificials from ostrich, goose or peacock feathers; beaver, suskrat, or skunk fur; badger, bear or antelope hair …

… selecting, stripping and winding hackle … perfecting our whipfinish knot … polishing our roll-casting technique …

… comparison-testing the latest single-action reels, checking the “feel” of a state-of-the-art boron rod (or rolling our own) …

we’re writing about it in FLY FISHERMAN.

Share the expertise of our small army of field editors and streamside reporters. In each issue —

Our Fly-Tier Bench reveals how to tie the “perfect fly” you’ve dreamed of. Our Casting About column leads you to pristine lakes and crystal streams. Our New Products section reports the latest in fly fishing gear and clothing and our equipment features help you in selecting that ideal fly rod, reel, lines, and other things you’ll need to improve your fishing.

The enclosed postage paid reply card will bring your complimentary issue of FLY FISHERMAN — with no obligation to subscribe.

If you love it — love the camaraderie of anglers trading tips, techniques and tall tales; love the glowing photos of misty lakes and mountain streams, rainbow trout and rainbow-colored flies — take advantage of our generous reduced-rate subscription offer.

If you don’t — ?

Simply write “cancel” on our invoice and mail it back without paying or owing anything. Worth a try? Then mail the reply card today.

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John Randolph.

P.S. We’ve ordered enough FREE CREEL — we think — to meet the anticipated response. But they are likely to go fast, so why risk waiting months while we re-order? Since your creel will be shipped as soon as you pay for your subscription, why not get it immediately by enclosing payment now?

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