Losing large amounts of weight can feel very refreshing. Your body feels great after losing excess weight, and you can enjoy better body mobility. However, the loose skin left after losing a lot of weight can affect your appearance. It is especially noticeable on specific parts of your body like your abdomen and sides, thighs and buttocks, etc. But there is a quick and effective solution to make your body look flawless. Undergoing body lift surgery in NJ is the best way to get rid of excess loose skin. 


A body lift surgery can instantly improve your body’s shape by removing the excess sagging fat and skin. Body contouring is performed for additional toning of your body’s underlying tissues to support a flawless appearance. You can consider getting a full body or lower body lift after a comprehensive consultation with an expert plastic surgeon in Paramus, NJ. 

What is the body lift procedure?

Body lift is a surgical plastic surgery procedure used to remove the excess fat from the body involving extensive incisions. This procedure is widely recommended for people who have lost weight rapidly. For example, people who go through gastric bypass surgery to lose weight, or have loose, hanging skin due to aging or multiple pregnancies. After bypass surgery, the skin loses its elasticity, and thus, it gets extremely difficult to eliminate the excess skin. Getting a body lift is an effective way to get rid of that excess fat skin. Similarly, people who are determined to lose weight and manage to lose excessive weight in a small amount of time may need a body lift plastic surgery. 

The body lift procedure usually involves a combination of surgeries according to the patient’s unique requirements. Some patients need full body weight lift, while others may only need a lower body lift. Lower body lift surgery in Paramus, NJ, is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgeries. It is so, as the lower body is more affected by the rapid weight loss. A lower body lift usually comprises a combination of a tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty), thigh & sides lift, and buttock lift. The results of a body lift procedure are immediately visible. But the scars from incisions can take over a year to fade away. The plastic surgeons in NJ use advanced incision techniques to strategically place incisions in the areas easily covered by any clothing. Your doctor may also offer treatment for accelerating the scar healing.

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How much time does it take for body lift surgery?

Body lift surgery is not a one-time surgery as it involves a series of surgeries. Some patients choose to get all surgeries at once. Other patients can choose to get the body lift surgery in stages. This means you can choose to have the full procedure in a particular time period that is convenient for you. Therefore, the period of surgeries varies for every patient.

What would be the recovery period?

The recovery period varies for different patients, as each patient may need different sets of body lift surgeries. It is different for each patient, as some patients choose to get the procedure done in stages. Therefore, for some patients, the recovery period can be as short as a few days, and for some, it can be weeks. If you get a full-body lift at once, you may need to stay in the hospital for a few days for better recovery. If you choose to take the procedure in stages, you might not need any hospital stay. However, the recovery period can take up to 2 weeks or more. But your doctor may recommend you refrain from doing any intense tasks or exercising for over 6-8 weeks.

Does insurance cover body lift procedure?

As mentioned above, the body lift is a combination of surgeries; therefore, the insurance might cover some procedures. But the insurance cannot fully cover the cost of all body lift surgeries. For example, let’s say you need a lower body lift involving abdominoplasty, thighs, and buttocks lifts. In that case, your insurance might cover some of the costs for abdominoplasty but may not cover the cost of thighs and buttock lifts. Therefore, you might have to consider third-party financing options to cover the remaining cost. You can calculate the exact cost after a consultation with a plastic surgery expert surgeon in Paramus, NJ. Your doctor will guide you on which plastic surgery procedures will be needed for your body lift and the cost involved.

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If you have more questions about body lifts or want to learn more about the procedure, cost, and explore your financing options, please leave us your queries or book a consultation online. 

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