The United States Senate has passed on a $2 trillion stimulus package so as to save the economy and bring relief from the outbreak of the corona virus. The third aid package from Congress is so as to keep the financial economy from crashing at a period of time where there is an unusual pause on most of American Life, and the stimulus package is the third aid package.

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CNBC reported that Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, the Senate Majority Leader stated after the vote that it is a proud moment for the country and the Senate of the United States. He added that they are going to win the battle soon in the future.

What The Legislation Of The UNITED STATES Entails

The legislation of United States of America states that all these to be provided to the citizens at such a time. Loans, one-time direct payment to individuals, stronger unemployment insurance, grants to businesses, additional health care resources for hospitals and states. Moreover, it also encompasses requirements for the ones that gives insurance to cover preventive services for covid-19.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi initiated a counterproposal from House Democrats and it adds up to $2.5 trillion reported by Bloomberg. She also said to the reporters that she expects that her chamber will allow the measure in a powerful, bipartisan vote on Friday, March 27.

On Thursday, March 26, the covid-19 cases have reached almost 70,000 and more than 1,000 deaths. However, currently, there are 16,697 deaths and 468,895 cases of the corona virus in the United States.

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The Senate tried pass on the sweeping aid bill as fast as it can. This is because data is predicted to show a historic spike in unemployment claims since businesses in the United States have closed due to the covid-19 outbreak. Additionally, patients are too much for some hospitals and have started to ask for ventilators and masks which are required supplies.

The Absentees During The Voting

Apparently, the chamber agreed with the plan to fight against covid-19 as its spreads continues. Four senators did not vote, they are Sens. Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, John Thune and Mike Lee. Sens. Mitt Romney and Mike Lee were in isolation, Sen. Rand Paul had tested positive for covid-19 and John Thune was not feeling well.

Even though the Senate had been careful during the voting process, but senators had still stayed in groups and interacted. McConnell had made his way to the Senate floor and passed the bill and stated the return will be on April 20. He further said, “If circumstances require the Senate to return for a vote sooner than April the 20th we will provide at least 24 hours of notice.”

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The Senate had rejected an amendment to cap the insurance of unemployment at a recipient’s former wages. This was proprosed by Senator Ben Sasse, R-Neb.

According to NPR, The bill adds $600 per week from the federal government in addition to the usual amount a worker is paid by the state. This will added payment will continue for 4 months. 13 weeks of unemployment insurance by the legislation.

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Moreover, people that get close to the maximum number of weeks approved by the state would get increment, and new filters would also result in an increment.

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