Random Notes From The Path To A Billion

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These are some hand-written notes from the upcoming Renegade Billionaire Crash Course I’ll be releasing soon.

I can’t really teach you to be a billionaire. But, haha, as a Zimbabwean, I was a billionaire once, and as I say, my life has never been the same since those good days 


I think I was a quadrillionaire, and many of my fellow citizens were, who knows? Ultimate dollar-naires??!!!

And no, don’t let them lie to you, CNBC and Fortune and all the good media:

– it doesn’t take that long to be a billionaire, in fact, if the central bank is printing enough money, any citizen can wake up a billionaire pretty much overnight haha
– and on the flip side, it’s NOT all it’s cracked up to be. Buyer beware!

On a more serious note, here are excerpts from the Renegade Billionaire Crash Course on “The Path To A Billion”:

  • Don’t think big, think MASSIVE
  • Break it down
  • Set goals, not on a 2 year timeframe like a goldfish, but on a HALF CENTURY timeframe
  • 50 years, not 5 years
  • What do you have to do today to be worth a billion some day
  • Your IDEAL DAY
  • Ten Mutunhire’s “Billionaire Metagame”
  • World War 2 lessons and mistakes to avoid from warmonger Adolf Hitler
  • 5 Billionaires to learn from
  • Charlie Munger
  • Grant Cardone
  • Donald Trump
  • Elon Musk
  • Tilman Ferrtita
  • 5 Key Lessons

The free Crash Course will be coming soon, watch for an announcement at The Renegade Billionaire Forum, or check my YouTube and socials.

See ya there!

See also  Mark Cuban's Rules For Making Money

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