Direct response copywriting for health and fitness

How To Sell A Health And Fitness Product Using Direct Response Copywriting: This long sales letter from Tai Chi Chi Kung Shows You How


A Message from Dr. Robert Willix Jr.

Of all the physical and mental healing arts I’ve learned, TAI CHI is the gentlest, easiest to learn, and the most rejuvenating for your physical and mental health. It lowers blood pressure, heals achy joints, stimulates circulation, builds muscle, and mobilizes the immune system…all without stress or strain!

Dear Friend,

All across China, thousands of men, women and children of all ages gather in city parks in the early morning hours to practice the slow, graceful martial art called tai chi.

This “moving meditation”, legend has it, engenders superhuman powers.

And this legend is true. Those who practice tai chi faithfully have a different kind of life well into their 80s and 90s. Their bones are strong, not frail. Their joints are limber, not aching and stiff. Their minds do not wander; they remain focused. Their heart beat is calm, and their bodies are internally fortified against disease.

Last month, I “prescribed” tai chi to treat a number of diseases and painful conditions. If you have arthritis, for example, tai chi is your best stretching exercise, because it builds the flexibility you need to mobilize your stiff joints. If you have cancer, tai chi is ideal because it improves your aerobic capacity and stimulates your immune system without creating free radical damage. If you have heart disease, practicing tai chi regularly not only lowers your blood pressure and helps you lose weight, it also defuses negative feelings, such as anger, frustration, and depression, which can trigger a heart attack.

What I forgot to tell you about this mind body panacea is that the moves are simple, gentle and easy to learn. They need no special skill and can be done anywhere, indoors or outdoors, alone or with a group.

Anyone can become a “master”. It takes just a little practice, focus, and a good teacher.

And I found you a great teacher – a wonderful video that teaches you, step by step, the slow, fluid movements of tai chi, so you can experience for yourself the power of these quiet, flowing patterns – and the indescribable inner energy they bestow.

It’s ideal if you want the pleasure and benefit of exercise, but can’t subject your bones and joints to jarring strenuous activity

Tai chi works wonders for my patients with chronic pain caused by everything from herniated disks to osteoporosis. Some patients came to me on the most complicated pain medicine “schedule” you could dream up, and still enjoyed wonderful results – from major reductions in pain killers to complete freedom from pain. Plus…

It’s exhilarating!

My patients who practice tai chi have a glow about them. Amazingly, the more you give in to the “nothingness”, the more magnetic your physical presence becomes. Tai chi has been said to “tame the wild horses of your emotions.”

Even if you think you’re not coordinated or agile, you can learn these movements at your own pace. In fact, when you first watch Peter John Hudson N.D., tai chi master, going through the moves, you’ll probably think, “This isn’t exercise! It’s too slow, too easy!” But don’t be fooled. These movements build powerful inner focus and strength.

Bordering on the superhuman: How tai chi helped one man prevent permanent paralysis

I recently read the breathtaking story of Randy Jong, a 42-year-old school teacher from San Francisco who fell victim to a tragic car accident when his rear tire blew out on his way to Los Angeles. Randy was rescued by the “jaws of life”, and though his spinal cord was intact, his neck was broken, and his vertebra compressed. The doctors told his family he would spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. His family was wise enough to keep this painful information from Randy.

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Unaware of his tragic fate, Randy lay in bed practicing the deep breathing exercises and mentally practicing the tai chi movements he once performed every day. After two weeks, “miraculously”, he moved a finger. Weeks later, a toe. Six months later, Randy was back in tai chi class performing the beginner’s exercises. “I was slow, but I could do it,” he says. Tai chi had kept Randy in excellent physical condition, his muscles and heart strong. And Randy had developed an ability to relax and concentrate that turned out to be essential to his recovery process.

This “Supreme” art has endured for over 300 years

“Tai” means “ultimate” or “supreme”, and “chi” is the all-encompassing life force, the spirit of the earth and the soul. Nothing attests more to the value of this healing art than the fact that it’s stood the toughest and most telling test there is: the test of time! Tai chi has been passed down from generation to generation for over 300 years.

The latest medical studies in the West and Far East prove tai chi is the optimum healing activity for people of all ages

Today, the Chinese practice tai chi every day to ensure mental and physical fitness. Studies published in Eastern and Western medical literature show that even though tai chi is a slow, “low-intensity” exercise, it still improves cardiovascular health and fitness, and even relieves depression.

According to a medical assessment published in 1986 in China Sports, practicing tai chi generates a sense of internal peace, as you must concentrate on the movements to the exclusion of all external distractions. And the motions, smooth and fluid, naturally cause your mind and muscles to relax, and your flexibility to increase.

Tai chi also protects against a deadly threat to the elderly. Every year, almost one third of people over 65 lose their balance and fall, leading to serious injury and death. But two recent studies sponsored by the National Institute on Aging reveal that tai chi improves your strength and balance, and reduces your risk of falling. In one Emory University study, participants reduced their risk of falls by 47.5 percent.

A gentle full-body workout that takes just a few minutes a day

For your metabolism, heart health and blood pressure, tai chi is just as effective as walking at four miles per hour. There are no awkward stretches or poses to hold, and no jumping, running or lifting. Nevertheless, when you come to the end of a tai chi session, your breathing will be deep, your muscles flushed and your mind refreshed. The overall effect is a mental and physical fitness that carries through the rest of the day, and, of course, becomes even more profound month after month, year after year.

Since you control your own pace, you can do the whole series of movements without breaking a sweat, or as you become more comfortable, you can push yourself a little harder by bending lower and stretching more.

My wife and I take tai chi classes every night. We started, just like everyone else, with a few minutes a day, and built up slowly. I’m not exaggerating when I say that tai chi has altered my life. I’m stronger and more centered, I wake up happier and more refreshed every morning, and sleep soundly every night.

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And I want you to have the opportunity to experience this incredible change in your own life. In the video I’ve found for you, called Tai Chi Chi Kung, The Art of Cultivating the Healing Force, the basic healing and energizing poses are demonstrated by Peter John Hudson N.D., a holistic and natural medicine practitioner with over thirty-five years experience in natural healing.

Dr. Hudson currently conducts classes and workshops on holistic medicine, including Ayuverds, Taoism, Tai Chi Chi Kung, and meditation.

In Tai Chi Chi Kung, The Art of Cultivating the Healing Force, you’ll be taken slowly through 19 wavelike movements, each performed at a slow pace and repeated four times. You’ll get specific directions on how to hold your body, where to focus your eyes and your thoughts, and how to distribute your weight. You’ll also learn the most important basic healing poses you can do anytime anywhere – in any order.

Three hundred years and stacks of solid medical research tell us that tai chi is the ideal exercise for your mind and body. I’d love to see every one of my patients and readers enjoy this ancient healing art. Send for your video today, give it a few weeks, and then write write in to tell me how it’s changed your life!


Robert Willix Jr., M.D.


I almost forgot your FREE gift! Take advantage of this incredible one-time-only offer. I’ll send you my report Chinese Healing Secrets FREE. Thousands have found powerful cures through the wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine, and I’ll walk you through these cures, helping you determine your own body type, and which cures will work for you. I’ll explain dozens of herbal treatments, healing foods and recipes, and even meditative techniques that have stood the test of time. (Many of these treatments date back thousands of years!)

Chinese Healing Secrets 
is yours to keep FREE, even if you return the video for a full refund. There’s only a limited supply of reports, so I urge you to call or send in your order today!


Yes! I want to learn the gentlest Chinese healing art – at my own pace, in the privacy of my own home. Rush me

Tai Chi Chi Kung, The Art of Cultivating the Healing Force
, right away, plus my FREE gift, Dr. Willix’s Chinese Healing Secrets!

Enclosed is my check for $39 plus $5 shipping Payable to Health & Longevity, MD residents, please add 5% sales tax.

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Special Extended Money-Back Guarantee

I know you’ll start to enjoy the benefits of your new healing art almost immediately. But since any new physical art takes some time to really work its way into your body and mind, I’m extending the regular 30-day money-back guarantee to 60 days. If you’re not sure tai chi has improved your health, just return the video – but keep your FREE gift! – for every penny of your money back! No questions asked.

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