business thank you cards

Business Card Etiquette that You Shouldn’t Forget

Despite the advances brought by the Internet and various high-tech communication tools, the marketing potential of every business has grown wider and can be strengthened as well. While some people think old-school methods of communication can never be used in this modern era of social media and digital marketing, some of these traditional marketing tools still have an important role in helping businesses survive and thrive. One of these conventional tools is the business thank you cards.

Business Cards: What is it & its Importance

 A business card is a small card that contains essential information about a business or a business representative. This is a concrete way to introduce your business and start forming a positive first impression in the minds of potential investors and customers. This is one of the reasons why business cards are still effective and practical marketing tools for any industry.

These are other reasons why a business card is still important in any business venture:

  • 1. There are still those who do not prefer to use smartphones.

Although the majority of people around the world have their cellphones, there are still business owners who do not prefer to have one. You can still build a network with them by giving them your business cards.

  • 2. Business cards prove your legitimacy in the industry.

Consumers and stockholders always want to make sure that the venture they are dealing with is genuine and authentic, and business cards help them achieve that goal. Aside from proving that your business is existing, it is also a clear indication that you are professional and are serious in your field. 

  • 3. Business cards help businesses establish human connections.

Digital communication always guarantees a faster and less stressful way of building networks, even from different parts of the globe. However, it lacks essential matters that must be recognized — human connections like small chit-chats, handshakes and other physical impressions.

With a business card, we can have that kind of personal and intimate connection. It can be an opportunity to start and even continue the conversation, especially with people who are interested in your venture. 

  • 4. Business cards are one of the best ways to build awareness of your brand.
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One of the important aspects of every business is its brand. This will serve as the face and identity of the business, and this is the thing that everyone will remember. 

The business card will also convey the branding of your business through its overall aesthetics. The branding and the business card can both acquire and retain customers and even investors. These are all important details that can play a part in bringing success to your venture.

  • 5. Business cards create an identity for your brand.

With so much to offer, digital marketing can make or break your business, but there is still something that only the business card can do and that is to give a tangible face to your brand. Business cards communicate what your business is all about along with the values that your company embraces.

Business Card Etiquette Tips

Business cards are just like greeting cards in that they need to be presentable and appealing, from creating up to handling it to clients and stakeholders.

Here are some of the business card etiquette tips that you must do to ensure the effectiveness of this marketing tool in bringing success to your venture.

  • 1. Always go for the best professional design.

In choosing the overall design of your business card, remember that it must reflect your personality and the identity of your venture. Also, it must look consistent with the other materials you have. It will help your card to always blend to the public and not be awkward for you to present.

  • 2. Readability matters more than creativity.

Decorative designs in a business card will just make it look non-professional and fancy, unlike in greeting cards. Always choose simple fonts, colors, and designs. Just make sure it will be readable to potential clients.

  • 3. Consider its overall layout.

The standard size of a business card is 3.5 inches by 2 inches. Odd shapes are not recommended and will only make the card unpresentable. Moreover, if you consider writing something on the back, make sure that it is essential.

  • 4. Do not use bright or loud colors.
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Although Dazzling colors will make your business card stand out, they will only ruin its presentability. In choosing colors, make sure that they will not contrast or distract the company logo and the information contained in the card.

  • 5. Include all of your contact details. 

A business card should contain all your information: name, address, title, contact number, and signature. If there’s still enough space, you can put the company name, logo, and website. These are the essential details that should be included in the card, making it simple yet professional.

  • 6. Ensure that there are no errors in the information.

Before printing your cards, make sure the details are correct and updated. Misspelled words will bring a bad reputation to you and your venture. Also, avoid writing something on the back just because you want to save a few dollars. 

Meanwhile, here are some of the things to remember in giving your business cards:

  • 1. Always have your business cards with you.

Do not forget to bring your business cards wherever you are. Put some on your bag, car, or your desk, and place them in a presentable holder. Whether you are in a client meeting, business conference, or going out casually, always bring it. Potential clients and business partners are always around the corner.

  • 2. There is proper timing in giving your business card.

When you present your card too early in a conversation, it will create an impression that you are too pushy. However, giving it too late (or forgetting altogether) will make you look irresponsible and unreliable. Before giving your card, you must build your rapport first, and wait for a natural point in the conversation to exchange contact information. When you give someone your card, hand it to them with the information in their direction. And when they give their card to you, show interest in it before putting it away. 

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