Blog Like A Pirate


10 * Thought Leading Blog Posts of 1000 words each, or the equivalent according to your blog post length preferences.



This product grows your authority and thought leadership automatically, while you sleep. Grow your blog with this done-for-you Blog Like A Pirate package from Towers Of Zeyron. This is the perfect place to start for growing your brand effortlessly, leaving you free to pursue all the other work you have to do each month, such as email marketing and ad campaigns.

What’s Included

  • 10 * Thought Leading Blog Posts of 1000 words each, or the equivalent according to your blog post length preferences.
  • 1 * COMPLIMENTARY Funnel Review, offered exclusively FREE for a limited time!

The Blog Like A Pirate Advantage

Inside “Blog Like A Pirate”, your blog posts are written to be read by real humans. I bring the expertise I’ve picked up over the years writing for media sites like The Culture Trip and guest posts for big sites like Tweak Your Biz and the Slack blog.

In the old days of the internet, writing for humans was out of favor, you see.

So webmasters all over the internet were slapping up all manner of drivel for search engines to consume.

They did.

And the sites made money.

Then Google realized the humans were the only ones not happy with this situation. The answers that would show up in the search engines were written for search engines, not real humans with real problems looking for solutions.

Now Google has gotten smarter.

Google’s guidelines recommend writing “for humans, and not for search engines” anymore.

That means if you are writing junk “content” or getting it from content mills that write like 3rd graders, you’re out of luck if you want quality search traffic.

The Penguin update to Google’s search engine penalized many of the SEO optimizations that entered the vogue in the past

If you are not writing for humans, you could get penalized, or humans will simply bounce from your site because you are writing for search engines.

Blogging for humans means writing with emotion

I wrote an article that got me plenty of views on Medium and received substantial attention because it spoke to human emotions.

The article, titled Why You Should Choose React Over Angular 2 or 1 For That Matter has garnered thousands of views now. Views continue to pour in.

The article touched off something of a firestorm because it spoke to humans, not search engines, about why one piece of technology was better than another.

In addition, I took a very opinionated stand against one technology and spoke about why I preferred a very different technology.

Being opinionated results in people PAYING ATTENTION

It’s not just me who has discovered that blogging like a pirate, with real emotion and guts, works wonders.

It works even better for getting the attention you want from the internet for your business or blog.

Here’s what Seth Godin, the noted marketer, had to say:

“I made a decision to write for my readers, not to try to find more readers for my writing.” — Seth Godin

And another notable online marketer, James Altucher, had this to say:

“When Kamal told me he was nervous about writing his book, nervous about what people would think of him, I told him, I ONLY write when I am nervous about what people will think. Then he wrote my favorite book.” — James Altucher

As you can see, when you write with humans in mind and you use emotions to tell your story, wonderful things happen.

You get fans, who become followers of your brand and, eventually, buyers.

All because you made the bold decision to BLOG LIKE A PIRATE.

If you are not writing for real people, with emotion and feeling, all these wonderful things are unlikely to happen.

Worse, your blog will likely sink into oblivion, and no-one will ever know your business or personal blog even exists.

Blog LIKE A PIRATE is perfect for promoting:

  • Courses
  • Coaches
  • Consultants
  • Small businesses
  • Ecommerce stores
  • Membership programs
  • eBooks
  • Subscriptions

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